Ögonstenar / Apple of my Eye invitation

The premiere of Galleri Kammaren with Swedish Contemporary Jewellery Art. 33 different materials by 33 different artists.

Opening Saturday December 2nd, 1-5 pm. Welcome!

The exhibition runs until December 23rd. 

Necklace by Karin Gyllerfelt

Necklace by Karin Gyllerfelt

A short interview in KHVC's newsletter

about my work and the special mention my work received at the opening of the 6th European Triennial of Contemporary Jewellery in Mons, Belgium.

Screenshot from Konsthantverkscentrum's recent newsletter

Screenshot from Konsthantverkscentrum's recent newsletter

Participants Schmuck 2018

I am very pleased that my work will be part of Schmuck 2018 during the 70th International trade fair in Munich from 7th to 13th of March 2018.
Professor Hans Stofer, the Head of the Metalclass at the Royal College of Art and now Head of jewellery at the Burg Giebichenstein, Kunsthochschule Halle selected 65 artists from 21 countries.

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Pearls Upside Down

Upcoming exhibition at Galeria Reverso, Lisbon, Portugal.

Opens Saturday November 25th and runs until January 10th 2018.

Participating artists: Ana Margarida Carvalho, Aurea Praga, Birgit Laken, Claudia Hoppe, Carlos Silva, Daniel Kruger, Danni Schwaag, Dulce Ferraz, Ela Bauer, Etsuko Sonobe, Grego Garcia, Helena Johansson Lindell, Heejoo Kim, Herman Hermsen, Young-I Kim, Joanne.T, Kaori Juzu, Laura Frazão Matos, Lauren Kalman, Leonor Hipólito, Marta Costa Reis, Masako Hamaguchi, Melanie Isverding, Nikolay Sardamov, Paula Crespo, Philip Sajet, Réka Lörincz, Sofia Bjorkman, Sophie Hanagarth, Stephanie Jendis, Tanel Veenre, Terhi Tolvanen, Vera Pinto, Young-I Kim, Zwetelina Alexieva.

For more information visit: https://www.galeriareverso.com/eng/category/exhibitions/future/

Lauren Kalman

Lauren Kalman

Helena Johansson Lindell

Helena Johansson Lindell

A special mention from the jury

I feel honoured that my work received a special mention from the jury at the opening of the 6th European Triennial of Contemporary Jewellery in Mons, Belgium.

Marie-Louise Franzén from Konsthantverkcentrum.

Marie-Louise Franzén from Konsthantverkcentrum.

Synthetic Fruits on display in Mons.

Synthetic Fruits on display in Mons.

Re-handle featuring Precious Trash!




Välkommen till ett samtal om att göra skillnad på egen hand. Helena Johansson Lindell och Johanna Törnqvist diskuterar material, motstånd, görande och hantverk!

Johanna Törnqvists konstnärskap rör sig mellan slöjd, mode och konsthantverk. Törnqvist har i projektet Precious Trash lyft fram handarbete och visat hur ett hantverk kan transformera vardagligt avfall som chipspåsar, snöre eller vaxduk till åtråvärda kläder och objekt. Precious Trash handlar inte bara om handens skicklighet utan går på djupet med vår tids brinnande frågor om material, produktion, konsumtion och livsstil.

Smyckeskonstnären Helena Johansson Lindell omfamnar material som ur ett samhällsperspektiv, anses låg klass, låg status, eller dålig smak. Det är hennes sätt att försöka upphäva fördomar som härstammar ur dessa hierarkier. Lindell plockar upp material från loppmarknader och second hand-butiker, mestadels plast, ibland träleksaker och köksutrustning. Hon tar isär, klipper upp och bygger nya former med hjälp av såg, lim och fil.

Re-handle featuring Precious Trash! arrangeras i samband med Lindells utställning Re-handle på Platina. Utställningen kan ses fram till 10 juni.




Platina at IHM

Munich Jewellery Week 2017 has just come to an end. Platina gallery showed some of my work at the International Craft Fair.

"A gift to the Queen of the South"

A necklace made in 2014 for an exhibition in Ramallah. The exhibition never happened and the piece got lost in the mail. It really was a gift to the mysterious Queen of the South.

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A gift to the Queen of the South, necklace, plastic/wood/aluminium/brass, 2014

Participants Schmuck 2017

I was very happy to receive an e-mail yesterday saying my work has been selected to be part of Schmuck 2017, during the International trade fair in Munich, Germany.

Deltagarlista Schmuck 2017 (med pil).jpg

Gateway Drugs

I am very happy to be part of Gateway Drugs, a Punchbowl project shown at Hotel Wilshire, Los Angeles and at Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco.